Potentate’s Notes May 2024

Greetings Nobles,

It is hard to believe I am a quarter of the way through my second year. With that being said, the Shrine needs your help. We are in desperate need of employees, as we are currently looking for a treasurer which needs to be filled ASAP. We are look­ing for a recorder/business manager, that needs to be filled this fall. We also need a Hadji Editor, that is a paid position, and if you know anything about computers it is fairly easy and pays $100/month. If you are interested in any of these positions, please send me a resume or letter of intent.

I would like to thank Randy Sikorski, the Divan and members who helped beautify the Shrine for our Spring Clean Up Day. At our June stated meeting, we will have all of our hospital admin­istrators in attendance to update us on the hospital changes. We will also be having dinner before going dark for the summer. Please stay tuned for details, as we might start our stated meeting early, if I get dispensation from Imperial.

If you did not attend our Meat Feztival, you missed another GREAT time!! Thank you to all who attended and made it another successful event. I also would like to thank the Nobles who came out to support our Illustrious Sir Boyd Durain, PP, as President of the Ohio Shrine Association, and for supporting our temple.

Nobles, I hear our onions will be here May 8. Let everyone know, so we can get them sold. Our May Ceremonial will be moved to Saturday, July 27, at the Findlay Complex, with a joint Ceremonial of Firelands Scottish Rite. On a last note, stay tuned for information of a Mud Hens game on Friday, July 26. (I hear this is a Jimmy Buffett event).